Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Policy Environment

Most development plans and policies of African states have been "gender blind. " The planning and policy making processes in the region have failed to appreciate the fact that women and men have different roles and that their needs and constraints are different.

Policy makers and planners have failed to address the socially structured subordination of women to men. Unequal division of labour, legal discrimination against women and abuse of women's basic human rights have been more or less ignored by policy makers and planners, despite the lip service paid to the elimination of sexual discrimination.

In brief, plans and policies have not been "gender responsive. " That is, they have not recognized existing gender imbalances, and have not taken into account the different gender roles which men and women play. Women are therefore constrained in participating effectively in the development process because their subordinate position in society is ignored in development planning and policy making, while their concrete needs are equally ignored. This is reflected in the manner in which resources are allocated and utilized.

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